You may register from this page.  You will be asked for address information, phone numbers, etc.  This information is strictly for providing services to you .  We never share information with other companies.  To use most of the tools you will need to be registered.

Registration  Registration is free.  Your information is stored in an off site location.  Your information is not shared (see Privacy Statement).  Many of our pages are available only if you are registered.
Downloads You have to be Registered to download monsters, adventures, or anything else. 
Game Tools You need to be registered to use many of the tools.  These tools are random rolls and text building tools to help the referee and player play the games.  Future tools will do everything as well as recording characters
Referee Notes: You have access to the referee notes with your registration.  Years of experience and combinations from other referees are posted here to help you design and run games. 
Tales From Varanae: The stories from Varanae are unusual and can be used to help design games, sotries of your own, and much more.  They are just fun to read and think about.  With your registration you have access to reading these ideas and tales. 
Projects: We have projects that we will pay to have done by registered members.  As a member you have access to these project details and can bid on doing the task. 
Artist, Writer, Coder To sell or publish on the site you need to register for several reasons.  We can't pay you your commission or purchase your products without that information.  If you are selling  products, we need the information to direct customers to your site or eBay.  We are unable to do any of these things without your registration.